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KITRAS Elements Orb

KITRAS Elements Orb

Regular price $58.00 USD
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Inspired by and created with the four elements – Air, Earth, Fire, Water – these orbs will inspire and challenge you. The colors are swirled on the top half of this orb and webbing is pulled from bottom to top. 

  • “The challenge of the air element is to allow it to flow and move you in new directions that provide happiness and joy.” The story tag reads “Air reminds us that there is much more to this world than is visible with the eye. Air can move things that are stuck and usher in new beginnings. Air is refreshing, brings clarity of thought and is intensely curious. The challenge of the air element is to allow it to flow and move you in new directions that provide happiness and joy."
  • “The challenge of the earth element is to seek solid ground so that dreams can grow into realities.” The story tag reads “Earth is the foundation where we lay our roots and where we return when we need protection. The earth moves through cycles of life, growth, death and then re-birth and can be remarkably adaptive when faced with adversity. The challenge of the earth element is to seek solid ground so that dreams can grow into realities.”
  • “The challenge of the fire element is to strive for a balance between the creative and the destructive - to find the spark of one's inner intention and drive.” The story tag reads “Fire is alive and gives birth to new ideas and new opportunities. When fire burns it can burn with joy and be life giving, but it can also burn hot with anger and destruction. The challenge of the fire element is to strive for a balance between the creative and the destructive - to find the spark of one's inner intention and drive.”
  • “The challenge of the water element is to collect the people in our lives and achieve together what one could not accomplish alone.” The story tag reads “Water moves to collect all streams and riverways. Combined they form a powerful movement that can change and alter the landscape. Water is the link between communities, relationships and bringing people together. The challenge of the water element is to collect the people in our lives and achieve together what one could not accomplish alone.”
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