Collection: Anastacia Lynn Jayet
I am a lifelong learner, open, honest, raw and pure to who I am; without compromise or exception.
I am constant and ever changing, evolving, growing and experiencing life without resistance. I choose to push past my comfort zone, following my inner wisdom and guidance, with passion and perseverance.
I do not know, is my mantra. Grounded in groundlessness, flexible and flowing, with nothing to attain and nothing to achieve.
What is happening right now is accepted wholeheartedly. There is no other choice. The present moment is where I find peace and tranquility, resting in the vast expanse of my own heart.
Compassion and forgiveness are my foundation. Knowing that nothing really matters, allows me to truly let go; without attachment, grasping, clinging, or holding on, I am free. And in freedom there is no more suffering or confusion, nothing left to lose. I am that I am, is all that remains.
My mission is to end all suffering and confusion; igniting joy, laughter and play, through the innate childlike nature, painting with compassion and forgiveness, accessing freedom and arriving in absolute liberation.